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Royal Seascope Submarine Trip

Available: 15 seats
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2 Hours
Availability : Everyday
Sharm El Sheikh
Sharm El Sheikh
Min Age : 3

Enjoy Submarine excursion Sharm el Sheikh. Explore the rich coral reefs, observe and encounter various species of fish. You will get to experience what you only dream about, When going underwater and staring into the crystal clear red sea water. Moreover discovering the rich sea life deep underwater, Our royal sea scope submarine has been designed and built specifically for the tourist industry. So just go for a once in a lifetime experience and discover the beautiful marine life and the underwater.

Tour Details
Submarine excursion Sharm el Sheikh

Enjoy Submarine excursion Sharm el Sheikh. Each royal seascope submarine is built to a very high specification and they are designed for safety and total comfort so our passengers can fully enjoy their time. Also the Royal Sea Scope submarine is air-conditioned with fully transparent-glassed cabin so you will enjoy exceptionally clear panoramic views of the extraordinary underwater world. It is designed that each passenger has individual observation window for viewing outside on the wonderful underwater world.

Excursion Program:

• Pickup from hotel in Sharm el Sheikh and drive to Royal Sea Scope submarine marina.
• Then get on the Royal Sea Scope-Semi Submarine and sail towards one of the most beautiful coral reefs sites in Sharm. (15 minutes sailing).
• exploring the underwater marine life with the fantastic coral reefs and wonderful fishes for one hour
• Sail back to marina (15 minutes sailing).
• Transfer back to your hotel in Sharm el Sheikh.

Departure & Return Location

Shrm el Sheikh (Google Map)

Departure Time

1 Hours Before Sailing

Price Includes

  • Pickup from hotel and transfer to Royal Sea Scope Marine and return
  • Submarine ticket
  • Tour Leader
  • Soft Drink

Price Excludes

  • Any Private Expenses

Adult price

Per person price
$35Per Pax
Per person price in a group tour

Child price

Per child above 3 years price
$20Per Pax
Child joining adults group tour

Health and safety guidelines

Cairo Private Tours Covid-19 response – Egypt Travel

We will always put health and safety first for any traveler visiting Egypt using our company. With the Covid-19 outbreak, it has become essential to take consistent, careful, and deliberate actions to ensure a safer touring environment for all. We expect every our tour guides, drivers and travelers to act responsibly to protect the health and safety of themselves, their companions, and the wider communities in which they live, work and travel.

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