Al-HUSAYN Mosque to BAB AL-FUTUH If the Mamluks hadn’t stopped the Mongols’ furious advance at An Djalout ( Palistine) in AD 1260 , Cairo , like Baghdadand scores of other towns , might have been left in rubble . As it is Misr Almahrosa – a popular appellation that translates as ” EGYPT the protected...Read More
Explore cairo with Cairo Private Tours First Fact You Must know : Cairo is big : just who big you’ll see on the drive in from the airport, Which somtimes takes so long you’ll this you’re driving to Aswan . And What you see on the Way into town , amazingly , is only...Read More
The Bedouin Crafts in Egypt ,Egyptian Bedouins continue to produce The Most Colorful Textiles, Women’s Clothing in particular can capture The Eyes With Its Vivid Design and Colors, All of Which can change from Region to Region and Tribe to Tribe.Read More
The Islamic Art in Egypt , still the intricate Geometrical Designs Adorning everything from Masjids “Mosques” to illuminated Manuscripts, and The Extravagant Calligraphy of The Arabic Language itself, That impress Western Visitors most by Their elaborate Grace.Read More
Henna is the natural dye derived from the leaves of the Lawsonia inermis shrub, Grown in southern Egypt, Nubia and Egypt’s Deserts for millennia-traces of it have even been found on the nails of mummified Pharaohs. Like Their Ancestors, Egyptian Women use henna powder for their hair and also to decorate hands and feet prior...Read More